
Schumacher sour: “Permanent insults”

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Goalkeeper legend Toni Schumacher has been deeply disappointed in view of his forthcoming replacement as vice-president of the Bundesliga team 1 FC Köln.

The 65-year-old told the Bonner General-Anzeiger and the Kölnische Rundschau: “But I am of the opinion that football competence should also be in demand and at the top of the list”.

Like Markus Ritterbach, Schumacher will not be standing for a further term of office in the upcoming election of the Management Board on September 8.

Neither had been proposed by the Council of Members. “Real factual arguments were not put forward in the talks,” Schumacher said.

At the same time, Schumacher criticized the climate in the FC environment. “It is also part of the truth that Mark and I have not found a third person who, in view of the constant insults and disputes, wanted to take part as a counter-candidate in an election campaign,” he said: “I can understand those who say, why should I do this to myself? Shall I be insulted and threatened? If it goes into the family, it stops.”

Schumacher and Ritterbach had been elected to the top of the first Bundesliga championship in 2012 alongside Werner Spinner. President of the association Spinner had resigned his office prematurely in March after internal quarrels.

For the election of the president of the association in September the eleven-member member council proposed Werner Wolf. In addition to the former head of a large brewery, the committee nominated business lawyer Jürgen Sieger (66) and racetrack head Eckhard Sauren (47) as vice-presidents.

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